Whilst we're in hibernation, we've got a little family reading challenge going on - who can be the first to read 21 books in 2021. The race is on and the kids have sneaked ahead with 2 books down each already. This might just have something to do with the gorgeously cosy cushions that were the surprise hit amongst their Christmas presents!
Aptly named the 'Cuddle Cushion', they are the cosiest, comfiest additions to our children's bedrooms and have helped establish inviting little reading spots for them. The cushions have a cotton handle so our daughter often carries hers elsewhere in the house and gets snuggled up with her book. There's probably lots of these cushions available on the market but we got ours from Dunelm for £25 each and they're available in various colours. Click here for a link to the cream one (we've not been paid to promote these by the way!).
Thought this was worth sharing as, with most children at home at the moment, these cushions are a good way to encourage them to get reading! Plus, we're up for anything that gives our kids a snuggly warm feeling during these trying times and this cushion literally feels like a lovely cuddle! They're big enough for adults too so I might just go wild and treat myself!